Minimize customer complaints with an explainer video

Customer complaints are one of the biggest burdens on the company. But they are also among the most important indicators of your success.

Why is it important to take customers and their complaints seriously.
If you have a very high rate of customer complaints, it can be assumed that processes and customer needs do not meet general or previous requirements.

Of course, there is also a percentage of customers who always complain about anything. They can’t be avoided either, but still belong to the smaller customer group.
Apart from that, you can deduce a lot from customer complaints about what is going well in the company’s service, product and performance, and what is going less well.

The customer is the real asset.
“Without a customer, no sales. Without sales, no revenue.”
Therefore, use the potential and process the problems and offer solutions to the customer from them.

Don’t let it escalate or create a shitstorm.
Offer solutions ahead of time based on the complaints.
If you don’t want to respond to each customer individually, the in information on your public channels, such as your website, Facebook, other social media channels and Q&A page is a great way to do it.

And sprinkle it on your intranet and internal communications to employees as well. Two-thirds of the employees do not even know about the company complaints and thus cannot pass on correct information.

Therefore, it is important that you provide key answers.
Stay transparent and spread the same message.
Nothing is worse in this day and age of the Internet, where everything is very transparent and exchanged among each other, if companies do not communicate clearly and equally with everyone.
If you spread various messages to the outside world, this will quickly come to light nowadays and, if necessary, become the topic of the day as renewed complaints about unfair treatment.

A good way to make the information customer-friendly and appealing is to use an explainer video.
Nicely animated, with appealing images and customer characters that appeal, problem solutions can be presented more pleasantly and convincingly than in words.

What should you pay attention to in the explanatory video

  1. Collect your customer complaints and pick out the 3 most common problems from them.
  2. From this, try to find solutions that can be generalized.
  3. Write a story with your customer as the lead. Guide you from problem to solution in this story.
  4. Try to make it as personal as possible.
  5. Focus on the facts and less on emotions. Most customers are excited, may have invested a lot of money or time. Make it factually clear where the paths, processes, and problems, if any, come from.
  6. Try to use humor, wit or charm in the video if possible. Break the ice!
  7. Use the video on your online public channels, press releases as well as customer service so that the same message can be sprinkled to customers.
  8. But also share the video with your employees so you’re in the know.

For detailed storyboard tips and ideas, contact us directly.
We will be happy to advise you personally and discuss the requirements with you.

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