How do animated videos help convey information in a short, concise & understandable way?

2D animation video premium example
Do you know the feeling?

You are looking for a specific information and then you are hit by a ton of sentences.  Before you even get started you’re already fatigued by the volume that’s coming at you. Animated videos could help you to get quick, concise and self-explanatory answers. And preferably in a short and tight time. Because one thing is sacred to all of us: time!

We don’t want to spend a lot of time brooding in front of the screen when it can be so simple.

How can you consume information to the point or as a company also convey it to your target group?
Both sides are interesting here, don’t you think?

animated videos

Let’s start directly with the moving image!
It has been proven that explanatory clips or animated videos catch the viewer’s attention faster than continuous text. Long flow text can be off-putting if the consumer just wants to get information quickly. Take extra care here to ensure the clip is professionally created and save time and money before outsourcing the project for your animated videos internally. Because the quality of the clip is crucial for success and attention. If viewers notice right at the beginning that the clip is not of high quality, they lose interest very quickly and click on or look away. Therefore animated videos have to have certain components.

Storytelling is also crucial.
A clip, however short, must tell a story and have a storyline: This includes an introduction, a main act, and a conclusion. At the same time, the tension and action must not break at the end. How to do it successfully? Get video professionals on your side to help you represent your company, service or product professionally and successfully in your animated videos.

Emotion is the keyword!
In addition to the storytelling and professionalism of your clip, it is important that you convey emotions and also arouse the emotions of your target audience. Besides music, voice over and imagery, this happens through your company, product or service. A professional service for animated videos knows exactly how to showcase your company, product or service and awaken the viewer’s emotions.

As versatile as the various services, products and companies is also the presentation through, for example, an explanatory clip. Are you planning a product launch, do you want to train your employees or acquire new customers? With professionally animated videos you can cover any topic.

A clip sums up all the important components it takes to grab the attention of your target audience, existing customers or new customers in your animated videos.

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You want to explain something complex in a simple way?

Whitepaper: 20 ideas for the use of animated explainer videos in business